


○帖方 1:知己知彼,我們與病毒的距離原來這麼近?!


書名 書影 內容簡介
演化之舞:細菌主演的地球生命史 This is an image ★其實,細菌才是主宰地球生命演化的關鍵★

下一場人類大瘟疫:跨物種傳染病侵襲人類的致命接觸 This is an image ★研究指出.影響全球的新型冠狀病毒與中國野味有很大關聯★



帖方 2:紛亂的現今,我們需要理性!


書名 書影 內容簡介
雲端大腦時代:無限人群,無限腦容量,無限影響力 This is an image ★拜科技所賜,每個人的腦袋都是雲端資料庫★

我如何真確理解世界:漢斯.羅斯林的人生思辨 This is an image ★舉世聞名的全球公衛學家與教育家漢斯.羅斯林的生命故事

?Urban Health, Sustainability, and Peace in the Day the World Stopped This is an image ★This book covers the nexus between urban health, sustainability, and peace★

Urban Health, Sustainability, and Peace in the Day the World Stopped?'Urban Health, Sustainability, and Peace' is the first book that attempts to put these three critical areas together. This novelty approaches the subject matter by delving into evaluating what works, what does not work, and what should be done to achieve healthy cities. We believe this book will be beneficial to a wide range of stakeholders, particularly policymakers, planners, and developers, who continuously shape and reshape the structure and environments of our cities and communities. Unfortunately, in most cases, the healthiness of the cities may not be of their immediate concern. Nevertheless, it is the concern of the end-users, citizens, or simply those who live and work in cities and communities worldwide. To safeguard peace in cities, one has to consider sustaining urban health; and that is the main aim of this book.


帖方 3:調整好心態,邁向健康!


書名 書影 內容簡介
信念疫苗 All-in-One:全效心靈救災防疫超值包 This is an image ★除了身體需要疫苗,其實心理也需要★

信念疫苗 All-in-One:全效心靈救災防疫超值包接受信念疫苗的接種,抵抗任何的細菌和病毒。
可以幸福但你要有態度 This is an image ★能夠影響你的沒有別人,只有自己!★

A Cultural Safety Approach to Health Psychology This is an image This  book  is an invaluable resource for psychology students that puts cultural safety at the forefront of physical and mental health and facilitates thinking beyond the biomedical model★

A Cultural Safety Approach to Health PsychologyThis book applies the concept of cultural safety to the field of health psychology in a US context as a means to achieve health equity. First developed in New Zealand by M?ori midwives, cultural safety can be understood as both a philosophy and a way of working within a social model of health as an alternative approach to understanding health and illness. Health, social, and human service professionals are at the forefront of interactions with a range of people who often experience disparities in health and social outcomes.

Last Updated:2023/09/26

