
Being one of Switzerland's greatest authors, Dürrenmatt owes his international renown mainly to his stage plays and the many film adaptations of his detective novels. In parallel, he wrote a great number of essays, lectures and autobiographical pieces.


Theatre 戲劇 

Dürrenmatt contributed considerably to shaping the German-language theatre from the late forties through to the sixties. His dramaturgical output constitutes a life-reflecting theatre world where tragedy and comedy link up by means of the grotesque.
His world renown owes most to the tragi-comic The Visit (1956), featuring the return of the extremely wealthy Claire Zachanassian to her hometown as a device to lay bare the townspeople’s basic moral hypocrisy, and The Physicists (1962) - a calling into question of the scientific world’s political responsibility.
他的名聲主要歸功於兩部悲喜劇: 1956年的《老婦還鄉》,劇中描述億萬富婆克萊爾回到自己家鄉,並以金錢勢力引誘與收買鎮民們的良心和道德;以及1962年的《物理學家》, 探討科學發明被政治所利用並對世界可能造成的危害。

Novels 小說 

One of Dürrenmatt’s earliest sources of income as a young writer were his detective novels, notably The Judge and His Hangman (1951) and The Pledge (1958). He excelled in the mystery novel genre; his novels always provide philosophical outlooks on the relationship between law and morality, the origin of evil and the possibility of knowledge.

Essays 論文 

Partially based on his lectures, Dürrenmatt's major essays include <Monster Lecture on Justice and Law, with a Helvetian Interlude> (1969) and <The Collaborator: A Complex> (1976). Dürrenmatt's dramaturgical insights encompass politics, epistemology, natural science and existentialism. 
狄倫馬特的論文,部份是根據他曾經演講的內容,著名的論文包含1969年的<Monster Lecture on Justice and Law, with a Helvetian Interlude> 以及1976年的<The Collaborator: A Complex>。他反思的議題有政治 、知識論、自然科學、和存在主義。

Autobiographical Writings 自傳寫作 

Dürrenmatt's literary themes were linked to his own life. A two-volume oeuvre, Labyrinth: Stoffe I-III (1981-1990) and Turmbau: Stoffe IV-IX (1990), gives us an overview of Dürrenmatt's life, especially as a child in the Emmental and as a student in Bern. These writings combine autobiographical material with the reintroduction of old core themes, themes he never got around to handling. The published works comprising the Stoffe volumes are culled from over 20,000 manuscripts bearing witness to Dürrenmatt's ever more problematic struggle to depict his life history in all truth.
狄倫馬特的寫作題材與其私生活緊緊相連。作品中有兩個系列的寫作: Labyrinth: Stoffe I-III (1981 至1990 年) 與 Turmbau: Stoffe IV-IX (1990年) ,讓我們對狄倫馬特的生活有一個大致的了解,特別是他幼年時在愛蒙塔爾和學生時期在伯恩的生活。這些寫作融合了他的自傳題材和其它一些曾經探討過但卻尚未深入分析的主題。而出版由Stoffe系列集結成冊的自傳作品,是從他兩萬多份稿子中篩選而成的,見證了狄倫馬特真實敘述自己生活中的掙扎過程。




Last Updated:2022/10/03

