
“I paint for the same reason I write: because I think”
           Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Personal Comments on my Drawings and Paintings; 1978

Selbstporträt, Wien, 1978
Gouache und Kreide auf Papier
Sammlung Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel
© CDN / Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

Although he chose to make writing his profession, Dürrenmatt had indulged in art at a very young age and would continue to paint and draw for the rest of his life. For quite some time, his art works remained unknown to the public. Not until 1978 was the first illustrated volume of his art works introduced; he would write: "My drawings are not subsidiary to my literary works; they are the drawn and painted battlefields on which my literary struggles, adventures, experiments and defeats take place." 

Mythology 神話故事 

From the start, Dürrenmatt drew his imagery from mythology, especially Greek mythology, which he came to know and love from the stories his father used to tell him as a child. The most frequently depicted motifs are the labyrinth and the Minotaur imprisoned therein; Atlas holding up the world; and Prometheus who, both artist and rebel, fashions clay into men.
狄倫馬特最初的畫作靈感來自於神話傳說,尤其是希臘神話。他對希臘神話的認識和喜愛是從小聽父親講故事中培養出來的。他最常描繪的主題有:迷宮中的彌諾陶洛斯(牛頭人) 、擎天之神亞特拉斯、以及融合藝術與抗爭精神的造人之神普羅米修斯。

Portraits 人像畫 

Dürrenmatt developed a taste for portraiture rather late in life: until the 1960s, he staunchly refused to draw or paint "from life". In 1975 he began doing a series of self-portraits in different techniques, at the same time as he was working on his autobiography, Stoffe.
狄倫馬特晚年才開始喜歡人像畫:一直到1960年,他很堅決不畫 "生活中" 的人物。1975年,他開始用不同的技法進行一系列自畫像創作,同時進行自傳的撰寫。

Illustrations for his literary oeuvre 寫作場景的畫作 

Several art works by Dürrenmatt directly illustrate his literary oeuvre.


Last Updated:2022/06/24

